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Miracle on the Montenegro Coast

Despite the small size of this country, nobody has been able to describe in a few words Montenegro. She will talk you with their “wild beauty”, and even his unusual islands. They are scattered throughout Montenegro like little pearls.
Montenegro Coast

This is one of the largest island fortress on the Adriatic coast. Located on a tiny island Lastavitsa a diameter of only two hundred meters. Construction of the fort began in the middle of the XIX century on the initiative of the Austrian General Mamula, who was governor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Dalmatia. The fortress was built with the most advanced technology of the military art of those years. It completely blocked their guns sign of enemy ships in the Bay of Kotor. Despite its military mission, during both world wars, the castle was a prison in the fighting did not participate. Thanks to this well preserved.
Bay of Kotor.
On the island stands a picturesque Benedictine Abbey, which was first mentioned in 1166 as the property of the city of Kotor. Study of the few surviving fragments of the original architectural decoration led to the conclusion that the Abbey has existed at least in the IX century. In the 14-16 centuries the Abbey of St.. George was under the jurisdiction of Kotor. In 1535, the group killed perasttsev the purpose of which the abbot of the island, thus achieving independence for the city of Kotor and the rule of excommunication from the Catholic Church. In 1571, pirate Karadoz  burned down the city together with the Abbey of the island. In 1603, the inhabitants of Perast restored church. In 1634 the patronage of the island was transferred to the Senate of Venice (Senate of Venice). It was under Venetian control of Perast has reached the highest degree of prosperity. In 1812, the Abbey was occupied by the French, and in 1814 – the Austrians.
Benedictine Abbey



1. Big Ben - it's actually a huge bell inside the clock tower, which in turn is called the tower of Elizabeth II. 2. The font Times New Roman was created by the printers of the London newspaper "The Times" in 1931. 3. The population of London speaks more than 300 languages, more than in any other city in the world. 4. The London buses were not always red. Until 1907 on different routes in London operated buses of different colors. 4. The London buses were not always red. Until 1907 on different routes in London operated buses of different colors. 5. In the huge Westminster Palace in London there are 1000 rooms, 100 staircases, 11 courtyards, eight bars and six restaurants that are not open to the public, but are financed from the state budget. Westminster Palace was specially built on the river bank so that it could not be completely surrounded by a crowd. 6. Some strange names of London streets: The Cyclops Stables, Black Boy's Lane, Bleeding Heart Street and Ha H


Latvia as a whole is known far less than its capital, Riga, or the most popular resort city of Jurmala. Many people know Riga as the largest city in the Baltic States with a huge number of architectural monuments belonging to completely different eras. Here and the Dome Cathedral, which was built in 1211 and which houses one of the most famous organs in the world, and the Peter Church with a 120-meter tower, the central silhouette of a huge number of postcards with views of the city, and the whole area of ​​incredible beauty of houses made in Art Nouveau . By the way, it is estimated that 40% of buildings in the center of Riga are built in art nouveau style, which is more than in any other European city. But Riga and Jurmala are just a small part of the beauty that will open before the eyes of a traveler who has decided to travel inland. Knightly castles, palaces of barons and small manor houses remained throughout Latvia. Jelgava, the capital of the Duchy of Courland, or Ru


The town of Sigulda is another of the interesting places to visit in Latvia and an excellent destination if you plan to enjoy outdoor activities as it is within driving distance of the majestic Gauja National Park which is just 10 minutes drive west of Sigulda. The main attractions in Sigulda are the ruins of Krimulda Castle, the lovely 19th century Sigulda New Castle and the knight’s stronghold.  Turaida The small town of Turaida is home to the Turaida Museum Reserve which is also on my list of interesting places to visit in Latvia. Turaida Museum Reserve is home to the Turaida Castle which is a beautifully restored medieval castle which also offers amazing views of the Gauja Valley.You’ll also find at the reserve, Folk song Park which boasts interesting sculptures of Latvian folk song heroes. By the way, Turaida is just 10 minutes drive north of Sigulda and can easily be reached by bus so, it's worth adding to your itinerary of things to do in Latvia.